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Saskatchewan Soccer Association

Non-Member Endorsed Programming


A Non-Member Program endorsed by Saskatchewan Soccer Association (SSA) ensures a minimum standard of instruction and programming is being provided. Standards of instruction and programming, including certified and police record check-cleared instructors, developmentally-appropriate on-field and off-field instruction, appropriate player-to-coach ratios, facilities and timetables, and adequate insurance are all considerations in endorsing a program. 

If you are interested in having your Non-Member program endorsed by SSA, please follow the below steps:

  • Step 1 - Submit the Non-Member Soccer Instructional Program Endorsement Form with a applicable fee to the SSA. This application includes the first event/program fee.

    a) Non-Member Organization from within Saskatchewan:
    i. Initial Endorsement Fee $100
    ii. Endorsement Renewal fee $50
    b) Non-Member Organization from outside Saskatchewan:
    i. Initial Endorsement Fee $200
    ii. Endorsement Renewal Fee $50

  • Step 2 - Applicant will be notified of the application's status.

  • Step 3 - For those that have already been approved under step 1 and wish to provide additional programming, submit the SIP Program/Event Endorsement Form with a fee of $25 per event/program.

  • Step 4 - Applicant will be notified of the approval status of additional events/programs.

Please see SSA Policy, Section 10, Sanctioning and Endorsement, for further information.

If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact Udo Baecker at

Non-Member Endorsed Programs: 

There are no non-member endorsed programs at this time. 

Last updated February 2018

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