High Performance Training Centre & Dedicated Players Program
Designed to provide standards-based training and competition opportunities for athletes, coaches and officials throughout Saskatchewan, the High Performance Stream is built upon a network of sanctioned training environments, which will be known as High Performance Training Centres and Dedicated Players Programs. Replacing the current Centre of Excellence network, the High Performance Training Centre and Dedicated Players Program recognizes regional differences as well as the challenges created through smaller player pools and coaches beginning the lengthy process of achieving provincial and national certification by setting different levels of standards and participation.
Specifically, the Dedicated Player Program targets smaller Member Organizations with a lower sanctioning criteria and a broader age classification focused on players committed to additional training. This program creates a gateway to the High Performance Stream for organizations, players and coaches who may not have previously had access to these opportunities. In larger centres, the Dedicated Players Program – Learning to Train focuses on providing supplementary training with qualified coaches to as many players as possible within the Golden Age of Learning (ages 8-12 years).
As players mature, those wishing to continue to pursue high performance training opportunities can access standards-based High Performance Training Centres. Within the Training to Train stage (12-15 years of age), organizations may apply for sanctioning at either Level 1 (intermediate standards) or Level 2 (higher standards) depending on the criteria they are able to meet, while organizations wishing to providing training in the Training to Compete stage (15-18 years) must meet the highest sanctioning standards. In order to ensure a viable soccer system both within and beyond the High Performance Stream, High Performance Training Centres are capped in the number of participating athletes.
For more information, including sanctioning criteria, on the new High Performance Training Centre and Dedicated Players Program, please refer to the following documentation:
- High Performance Training Centre and Dedicated Player Program – Foundation Document
- High Performance Training Centre and Dedicated Player Program – Administrative Application
- Dedicated Players Program – Technical Application
- Dedicated Players Program – Learning to Train Technical Application
- High Performance Training Centre – Training to Train Level 1 Technical Application
- High Performance Training Centre – Training to Train Level 2 Technical Application
- High Performance Training Centre – Training to Compete Level 2 Technical Application
- High Performance Training Centre - Supplemental Coach Information Form
- High Performance Training Centre and Dedicated Players Program Application Flow Chart
Communication Releases
September 20, 2016 - SSA Releases Information on Next Phase of HP in Saskatchewan
August 11, 2016 - SSA Seeks Member Organization Feedback in Evolution of HP Stream
2018 Sanctioned High Performance Training Centre & Dedicated Players Programs
The following programs have committed to meeting High Performance standard based training opportunity for both players and coaches:
Queens City Soccer Club http://www.qcsoccer.ca
Astra Soccer Academy https://www.astrasoccer.ca
Eastside Soccer http://eastsidesoccer.ca
FC Regina http://ssa-fcregina.goalline.ca
Prince Albert Youth Soccer http://ssa-princealbertyouth.goalline.ca
In Application
The following programs have initiated both interest and a vision of enhancing their training programs and optimizing the training environment for both players and coaches:
Ginja Futebol Academy http://www.gingafutebol.com
Saskatoon United Soccer Club http://www.susc.ca
Yorkton United F.C. http://yorktonunitedfc.ca
Swift Current Soccer http://swiftcurrentsoccer.ca
JJ Soccer http://jjsoccer.ca/index.php
For all inquiries related to High Performance Training Centres (HPTCs) and Dedicated Player Programs (DPPs) please contact:
Yiannis Tsalatsidis
Coordinator of High Performance - Technical
Saskatchewan Soccer Association
Ph. 306-260-5540
Updated: July 5, 2018