SSA Bylaw Consultation
SSA Bylaw Consultation
One of the major responsibilities any Membership based organization faces is the development of key documents which outline the governance of an Association. The SSA, with Member support, is working to ensure that we have a process in place that will allow all Members an opportunity to be engaged in the development of future amendments to our current Bylaws and/or Articles of Incorporation.
At the 2016 Annual General Meeting, Members approved a motion that would result in a meeting within 60 days to develop a consultative structure so all SSA members can discuss potential bylaw changes. The SSA Board of Directors and Staff wish to thank the following for their attendance and contributions to a very successful bylaw consultation meeting which took place in two locations and via conference - May 15th, 2016:
Regina: 1870 Lorne St. Main Boardroom
In attendance: SSA - Leslie Blyth and Doug Pederson, Regina Soccer - Devin Masch, Ryan Shillingford & Darcy Holowenko
Saskatoon: 510 Cynthia St., Room 201
In attendance: SSA - Lisa Bagonluri and Len Chelack, SYSI - Amanda Probe & Dave Taylor, SSA Life Member & Canada Soccer Chair of Governance - Don Story, Kindersley - Janelle Layton, Saskatoon Adult - Eileen Zagiel & Stephan Simon
Conference Call:
In attendance: SSA - Steve Boodram, Weyburn - Jacquie Van De Woestyne,
Astra - Percy Hoff, Hollandia - Laurier Langois, JJ Soccer - Jason Jones
As a result of this meeting the SSA has adopted a process, similar to that used by Canada Soccer, with the intent of supporting open and transparent discussion about bylaws that may be put forward for consideration at an Annual Meeting. All bylaw amendments will be presented in advance of the Bylaw Consultation meeting for member consideration at a local level. For this process to be effective, we invite all Member Organizations to participate in the consultation. While it is recognized that members are still eligible to submit amendments that have not been part of the consultation process, the goal is to build a collaborative process. The consultation will provide the opportunity an open forum with diverse voices to discuss the amendments to ensure that they are in the best interest of the game of soccer in Saskatchewan.
By Consensus - the following timelines were confirmed:
MARK YOUR CALENDARS with these important dates:
Sept. 16: Bylaw amendments for consideration at the October 23rd meeting must be in to the SSA office.
Sept. 23: All proposed Bylaw Amendments received will be circulated to Membership in advance of the consultation so that local consultation can occur.
Oct. 23: Bylaw Consultation - will be held in-person in Regina and Saskatoon and via conference call. Representatives will have had a chance to review the amendments and bring their Member Organizations perspectives on potential amendments to the consultation.
Dec. 19 2016: as per the Non Profit Act Saskatchewan 1995, this is the FINAL DEADLINE FOR BYLAW SUBMISSIONS to be in to the SSA office in order for them to be considered at the 2017 Annual Meeting.
Further information will be available and reminders will be sent to notify membership about this process and encourage member participation in the October 23rd consultations.
If you have any questions about this message or future consultations please contact Doug Pederson, 306 780-9225.